Fields of Research
- Developmental biology of the pancreatic islet cell lineage.
- Mechanisms of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions.
- Biology of stem/progenitor cells in pancreatic islet regeneration.
- Cell replacement therapies for diabetes.
Research Summary
The overall objective of the Dr. Cirulli’s research work is to understand mechanisms of islet cell development and function, with special emphasis on the role of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion receptors as instructive cues for developing islet progenitors. In an effort to develop strategies of possible translational value to human diseases, his research makes use of both, animal models, pluripotent stem cells, and human adult islet tissue.
Research Statement
The interest of Dr. Cirulli in cell adhesion receptors matured over the years from his former training in islet cell biology. Hence, his earlier work demonstrated that select adhesion receptors are responsible for the highly organized architectural arrangement of the different cell types within pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Building on those observations, his laboratory has uncovered important functions for a number of adhesion molecules expressed in the developing pancreatic epithelium. Some of them involved in pancreatic cell growth and expansion, some regulating basic cell adhesion and migration, others functioning as path-finding cues for the emergence of putative pancreatic progenitors from the pancreatic ductal epithelium. An important corollary of the dynamic expression of some adhesion receptors in distinct pancreatic cell types at select developmental stages is that they can also impart specific developmental decisions. It is from these latter observations that Dr. Cirulli’s current work aims at exploiting the signaling properties of select cell adhesion molecules to foster the development of insulin-producing cells from either ES or iPS cells.
Awards and Honors
Career Development Award from the JDRF, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Mary Jane Kugel Award for service in the JDRF Medical Science Review Committee
NIH-CSR Recognition for services to the NIDDK-CADO study section.
Served and continue to serve on multiple scientific review panels for the NIH (NIH-NIDDK Special Emphasis Review Panel for the Beta Cell Biology Consortium; CADO, NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Program; NIH-Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies).
Member of the JDRF Islet Research Portfolio Advisory Committee (RPAC).
The Netherlands Cancer Research Foundation.
Member, Steering Committee for the Western Region Islet Study Group.

Vincenzino Cirulli
Associate Professor
Faculty of the UW/FHCRC MCB Graduate Program
UW Molecular & Cellular Graduate Program
Benaroya Research Institute
Funding Support:

Vincenzino Cirulli
Associate Professor
Faculty of the UW/FHCRC MCB Graduate Program
UW Molecular & Cellular Graduate Program
Benaroya Research Institute
Funding Support:

Vincenzino Cirulli
Associate Professor
Faculty of the UW/FHCRC MCB Graduate Program
UW Molecular & Cellular Graduate Program
Benaroya Research Institute
Funding Support:

Vincenzino Cirulli
Associate Professor
Faculty of the UW/FHCRC MCB Graduate Program
UW Molecular & Cellular Graduate Program
Benaroya Research Institute
Funding Support:
Patricia Kensel-Hammes(Research Scientist II).
Sarah, Nicole, Young, Under-Grad Student (WSU)
Presently recruiting Grad Students and Postdoctoral Fellows.

Vincenzino Cirulli
Associate Professor
Faculty of the UW/FHCRC MCB Graduate Program
UW Molecular & Cellular Graduate Program
Benaroya Research Institute
Funding Support:
Select Publications
Yang W, Lampe PD, Kensel-Hammes P, Hesson J, Ware CB, Crisa L, Cirulli V. Connexin 43 Functions as a Positive Regulator of Stem Cell Differentiation into Definitive Endoderm and Pancreatic Progenitors. iScience. 2019 Jul 24;19:450-460.
Jimenez-Caliani AJ, Pillich R, Yang W, Diaferia GR, Meda M, Crisa L, Cirulli V. alphaE-catenin is a positive regulator of pancreatic islet cell lineage differentiation. Cell Reports, (2017), 20(6):1295-1306.
Diaferia GR, Jimenez-Caliani AJ, Ranjitkar P, Yang W, Hardiman G, Rhodes CJ, Crisa L, Cirulli V. .1 integrin is a crucial regulator of pancreatic .-cell expansion. Development. (2013), 140(16):3360-72.
Cirulli V, Yebra M. Netrins: beyond the brain. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. (2007) 8(4):296-306.
Yebra M, Montgomery AM, Diaferia GR, Kaido T, Silletti S, Perez B, Just ML, Hildbrand S, Hurford R, Florkiewicz E, Tessier-Lavigne M, Cirulli V. Recognition of the neural chemoattractant Netrin-1 by integrins alpha6beta4 and alpha3beta1 regulates epithelial cell adhesion and migration. Dev. Cell. (2003) 5(5):695-707.
Cirulli V, Beattie GM, Klier G, Ellisman M, Ricordi C, Quaranta V, Frasier F, Ishii JK, Hayek A, Salomon DR. Expression and function of alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(v)beta(5) integrins in the developing pancreas: roles in the adhesion and migration of putative endocrine progenitor cells. J. Cell Biol. (2000) 150(6):1445-60.
Cirulli V, Crisa L, Beattie G, Fannon A, Ptasznik A, Inverardi L., Ricordi C, Deerinck T, Ellisman M, Reisfeld R, Hayek A. “KSA antigen EpCAM mediates cell-cell adhesion of pancreatic epithelial cells: morphoregulatory roles in pancreatic islet development.” J. Cell Biol. (1998), 140(6):1519-34.
Cirulli V, Baetens D, Rutishauser U, Halban PA, Orci L, Rouiller DG. Expression of neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) in rat islets and its role in islet cell type segregation. J. Cell Sci. (1994), 107:1429-36.

Vincenzino Cirulli
Associate Professor
Faculty of the UW/FHCRC MCB Graduate Program
UW Molecular & Cellular Graduate Program
Benaroya Research Institute
Funding Support: