Fields of Research
- Intracellular Signaling
- Neurobiology and Behavior
- Gene Architecture and Action
Research Summary
Our most recent studies have been focused on the role of PKA in body weight regulation and we interested in the neuronal circuits that link nutritional status to the reproductive axis.
Research Statement
The McKnight lab has had a long-term interest in the cAMP and PKA signaling pathway and the physiological roles played by PKA in the brain, kidney, heart, and reproductive tissues. We have also been engaged in developing new technology to study gene expression and mRNA translation in specific cell types using ribosome tagging.
Awards and Honors
1994: Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Hormone Action
1990-1996: NIH study section (Biochemistry)
2000-2004: NIH Biomedical Research Training Subcommittee
1998-2004 Editorial Advisory Board, Biochemistry
2001-2004: Annual Meetings Steering Committee, The Endocrine Society
2004: Basic Science Chair, Endocrine Society Annual Meeting
2010: AAAS Fellow, Biological Sciences
2018-present: Faculty Council on Research and Graduate Education
Stanley McKnight
MCB Graduate Program
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Endocrine Society
Stanley McKnight
MCB Graduate Program
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Endocrine Society
- Building:
- K wing HSC
- Room:
- K540B
- Box:
- 357750
- Phone:
- 206-616-4237
- Building:
- K wing HSC
- Room:
- K560, K562
- Box:
- 357750
- Phone:
- 206-616-4237
Stanley McKnight
MCB Graduate Program
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Endocrine Society
2015-2018: Director of the Pharmacology Thread/Medical School Curriculum
Current teaching:
Phcol513 (Chemotherapy and Endocrine Therapeutics) Phcol531 (Genetic Analysis of Signaling Systems).
Stanley McKnight
MCB Graduate Program
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Endocrine Society
Jonathan Bean: Postdoctoral fellow 2015-2019
Daniel Carey: Research Scientist 2018-2019
Stanley McKnight
MCB Graduate Program
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Endocrine Society
Select Publications
Cummings, D.E., Brandon, E.P., Planas, J., Qi, M., Idzerda, R.L., McKnight, G.S. (1996) “Genetically lean mice result from targeted disruption of the RII. subunit of protein kinase A.” Nature 382:622-626.
Yang, L., Gilbert, M.L., Zheng, R., and McKnight, G.S. (2014) Selective expression of a dominant negative RI. PKA allele in striatal medium spiny neurons impairs feeding, gene expression, and locomotor activity. J. Neurosci. 34:4896-4904. PMCID: PMC3972716
Gilbert, M.L., Yang, L., Su, T., and McKnight, G.S. (2015) Expression of a dominant negative Protein Kinase A (PKA) mutation in kidney elicits a diabetes insipidus phenotype. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 308(6):F627-38 PMCID: PMC4360038.
Yang, L. and McKnight, G.S. (2015) Hypothalamic PKA regulates leptin sensitivity and adiposity. Nat. Commun. 6:8237 doi:10.1038/ncomms9237. PMCID: PMC4576457
Sanz, E., Quintana, A., Deem, J., Steiner, R.A., Palmiter, R.D., and McKnight, G.S. (2015) Fertility-regulating Kiss1 neurons arise from hypothalamic Pomc-expressing progenitors. J. Neurosci. 35(14):5549-56. PMID: 25855171 PMCID: PMC4388920
Sanz, E., Bean, J.C., Carey, D.P., Quintana, A., and McKnight, G.S. (2019) RiboTag: Ribosomal tagging strategy to analyze cell-type-specific mRNA expression in vivo. Curr Protoc Neurosci. 88:e77
Stanley McKnight
MCB Graduate Program
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Endocrine Society