Advanced Pharmacology Course Announcement – PHCOL 529 – Autumn 2023

Ion Channel Pharmacology & Genetics, Autumn Quarter, 2023 (2 credits)
Course Chairs: Bill Catterall and Yasemin Sancak, Pharmacology
Combined Lectures and Discussion
Open to interested graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and research associates. (Students will be graded.)
Yasemin Sancak and Bill Catterall would like to invite interested graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to join their upcoming course on Ion Channel Pharmacology & Genetics, which will cover ten different types of ion channels and related channelopathies and pharmacology (see attached Course Schedule). Faculty members from Pharmacology, and Physiology & Biophysics will lead classes. If you would like to participate, please send an e-mail message to Yasemin Sancak ( or Bill Catterall ( to help with planning. Graduate students should also register for course credit (SLN 20255).